Author Archives: grrlwithstones

How to make girls cry without even trying

One morning this week, I had two different employees in my office crying.  Betsy was crying because her gramma was in the hospital and she felt guilty being at work but like a slacker asking to leave early.  Lindsy was crying because Betsy was being mean to her.  Lindsy wanted to quit. Lindsy had only […]

How to succeed in business and fail at history

I really want to like you, Marissa Mayer.  I really do.  But why do you have to keep dong things that make it so difficult for me?  Perhaps you are a victim of my high expectations.  Being one of the few female CEOs, you are in a position to strike symbolic victories for working women […]

The other 50%

Men. That’s who is missing from the new-sprung debate on women’s issues. Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” states the importance of your choice in partner. Anne-Marie Slaughter, while disagreeing with Sandberg on many points, echoes her sentiment when it comes to a husband’s involvement. So, here’s a man’s point of view, “The Masculine Mystique” by Stephen […]

Yes, Nixon’s sweat lost a presidential race, but…

Why the national obsession with women’s hair??  First Michelle Obama’s bangs, now Hillary’s new haircut. Will it help her win the race?  Gee, I hope so.  Because if a woman with good hair doesn’t deserve to win, I don’t know who does.  Except maybe a lawyer who has been working on public causes for […]

Not-so-secret weapon

People think that if you’re a girl, you’re going to be a pushover and they can get away with more; they can kind of pull the wool over your eyes. You’re not going to be as strong as a man at getting what you want, demanding what you asked for. But I just surprise them. […]

Girl Meets Corporate America

When I first started my career, I thought I had to act grown up, unemotional, and authoritative at work.  In other words, I had to act like my idea of a guy.  How else would I be taken seriously?  It was many years until I had a role model who showed me that it was […]

Thank goodness he’s safe

I know you have been as worried as I have about the fate of Jamie Dimon.  Well, you can rest easy now. Regardless of how one feels about the CEO and Chairman roles, there’s no denying that the activists picked a tough target. Dimon, despite losing some credibility over the past year as the extent […]

Poor Jamie Dimon

The shareholders have been calling for his head.  After escaping any form of blame for the largest trading loss in JP Morgan’s history, Jamie Dimon may finally be getting his come-uppance. Or will he? After what seemed like an outpouring of news regarding calls for his ouster, articles seem to be trending now in the opposite […]

Hi Mom

When I was first out of school, I worked for a Stella.  Stella owned her own consulting firm with branches in four different states.  She swept in and out of town, leaving in her wake a trail of bewitched clients and dazed staff members. Stella knew everyone’s name and situation.  When she put her hand […]

work LIFE balance

I’m still working on the prototypes for how women can present themselves.  In the meantime, here’s a good perspective from a career mom on work-life balance.